interior office of prairie view eyecare

Insurance & FAQS

  • We are credentialled with most, but not all, of the area’s most common vision and medical plans. These include but may not be limited to:

    Vision: VSP, BCBS Vision, EyeMed, Spectera, Delta Vision, Aetna Vision

    Medical: Medicare, Cigna, Health Partners, Medica, BCBS, UnitedHealthcare, Humana, Aetna

    What if we don’t take your vision insurance? You can still see us if you would like and we can help you submit for your out-of-network benefits

  • We are not able to have records transferred to our office without you initiating the transfer. You are entitled to your patient records and can reach out to your previous provider to get those at any time. You can make that request over the phone or in person. Offices are allowed to send records to other offices without written authorization. However, some offices will still ask for/require it. If that is the case, or if you would like us to make the request on your behalf, that form is in the patient forms section.

  • You can find our forms in the Patient Forms section. For an exam, you will need to fill out the Patient Form and HIPAA Authorization

    However, when you schedule an appointment you will receive a link to complete all of your necessary forms online or on your phone at any time that is convenient for you. Best of all, that information goes right into your chart which speeds up your exam!

  • You can pay your statements in person, over the phone, mailed in, or now you can even pay online.

  • Check out a list our frames selection by clicking here

  • You can find photos and descriptions of all of our testing and exam equipment we have by visiting this page. This includes our no air puff/non-contact tonometer

  • You can now order your contact lenses directly through us. Go to the Order Contacts page.