Non-Discrimination Policies
Prairie View Eyecare, Inc. takes all reasonable steps to ensure communications with patients in a manner that the patient can understand and is comfortable with. As required by law, such services will be available for the most common languages spoken in our area, as identified by the Department of Health and Human Services. All such services will be provided to patients at no additional charge as long as the provision of such services poses no undue financial hardship on the practice or creates a significant alteration in normal practice operations.
To provide adequate patient education about their rights, Prairie View Eyecare, Inc. will post the following notifications in the office and on our website.
Notice of Non-Discrimination - A statement of our intent to not discriminate against any individual’s access to health care provided.
Notification of Language Assistance - A statement to inform patients what language assistance is provided.
Many forms of communication assistance are available. If a patient requests language assistance during their care, Prairie View Eyecare, Inc. will discuss those specific needs and develop a mutually agreeable plan to accommodate the patient’s needs. Any specific assistance method or requirement requested by the patient will receive the utmost consideration. Prairie View Eyecare, Inc. reserves the right to reschedule patient care if the need for language assistance was not communicated to the office before the time of the appointment
We respect our legal obligation to keep health information that might identify you private. We are obligated by law to provide you with notice of our privacy practices and abide by the policies in it. This notice describes how we protect your health information and what rights you have regarding it.